Late 2024-2025 (Mostly)Tentative Kidding Schedule

Pairings are NOT FINAL until we begin breeding in August). If a pair reaches out to you don't hesitate to reach out to us through email or our Facebook page.
A $75.00 non-refundable deposit is required to hold the kid of your choice. If the kid you have chosen is not born, you may use your deposit toward another available kid of your choice or be refunded your deposit.
Please note:
We do not take reservations nor make guarantees that are solely based off of Fur or Eye Color! Although color is fun, that is not what we breed for.
We also reserve the right to retain any offspring
from a particular breeding to further our own breeding program.
Does with ** next to their names are confirmed bred by ultrasound.
Does with * next to their names are confirmed bred by blood test.

LaManchas & Experimentals
2024 Kids will not be bred until November!
Nigerian Dwarves
2024 Kids will not be bred until November!
Breeding Schedule Last Updated: 10/2/24