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Currently For Sale
Goats we have for sale will be listed here as we strive to maintain a small herd of quality dairy goats. We will often have kids and sometimes milking does available in the spring as kidding season progresses. If they are still on this page, they are still available unless stated otherwise!
Also, Please refer to the Kidding Schedule.
All Does Listed under are available after kidding, 100$ non-refundable deposit required to hold

SS: De Novo Mars
S: Pleasant Dreams DM Sir Neptune
SD: Camanna BTA Ladyglittersparklz FS83
Hawkins HS N Allspice (aka Spicy)
DS: Castle Rock Huron Sunset FS83
D: Sunset Knoll HS Spicy Paprika
DD: Sunset Knoll M Willow
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